| Not only is taste the most important parameter for a good bread, it is also a non-negotiable if a product should succeed in the market. Why to make compromises if solutions are available?  


Improve taste with Amore and Fermento.

It is so easy to become a kid again with Zeelandia sourdoughs. Be playful. From very mild tastes to powerful sourness, from fruity to milky, from cereal to deep roasted - the world of our sourdoughs and their combinations is virtually endless. Often the biggest pleasure comes from subtle changes, like adding a bit of our Barley Sour in croissants. Zeelandia respects a traditional sourdough-making process so stay assured that we only ferment clean and natural products.


Improve taste with Silkgrain.

Silkgrain, our range of softened grains, seeds, vegetables and pulses benefits from being prepared in a hot process that includes liquid sourdoughs. Adding any of the Silkgrains to a bread recipe gives the bread both, cereal crunchiness and a typical sourdough flavour. It is a win-win solution for bakers as well as for consumers.